Prescriptions, Their Renewal, and Acting on Behalf

Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications from Taalintehdas Pharmacy

Once you have received a prescription from your doctor, come to our pharmacy.

With us, you can ensure that you understand your prescription, receive the corresponding medications, and know how to take them safely. If necessary, you can take advantage of our automated dose dispensing service if you need multiple medications over a longer period. 

We also help with selecting over-the-counter medications. Some over-the-counter drugs may have adverse and interactive effects with other medications, but we advise on the proper use of all kinds of medications. 

Prescription Renewals and Acting on Behalf

If you have a medication prescription that needs to be renewed, our staff can make the renewal request for you. Prescription renewals can also be done independently via or by contacting your own health center. 

You can also come to our pharmacy to act on behalf of another person, but in this case, you need to demonstrate your right to act on their behalf. For this, you will need the person's Kela card, patient instructions, a printed summary, or ​​​​​ A Pharmacy Proxy Authorization. Once the right to act is established, you can renew prescriptions for another person, collect their medications, and review their Kela and prescription information. 

We are happy to provide more information and assist in managing these matters, so feel free to visit or call us!

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Check the Availability of Your Medication in the Medication Search Service

We are part of the Medication Search Service, which allows you to find out if the medication you need is available from us or other pharmacies. The Medication Search also informs about the medication's substitutability, among other things. If you need help using the service, we are happy to guide you. Call us or come visit!

Explore the Medication Search Service ›

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